Are Your Customers Living A Story?

Our world craves connection. From the small child hoping to convince his mother to buy him a small toy at the checkout to the elderly man looking for new shoes that won’t give him blisters, we want to connect with the products that we buy. StoryBrand has unlocked that code.

5 Things to Look for in a Website Designer

As a small business owner, you know that you need a good website so that your business is optimally converting. If you don’t have a website or your website hasn’t been updated in years, you are likely finding yourself looking for a good website designer. What things should you be looking for in a good website designer so that the end product is not only a website that you like but is also on brand, easy to navigate and ultimately converts well for you.

The Top 8 Things You Really Need to Know About TikTok for Business

From one social media platform to the next, many small business leaders struggle to know which platforms to use, what to say and when to post. When a new platform rolls out, it can be especially difficult to know if it is worthwhile to invest resources in whether it be time, money or both. One such platform is TikTok.

Small Business Marketing Agency

Women at work smiling

Small businesses have unique needs that require a specialized approach when it comes to marketing. They know that a one size fits all approach won’t work when it comes to successful marketing for small business, that is why many turn to small business marketing companies.

Social Media Management

Leading in your industry means that you have a strong online presence. Not only through your website but also through your social media channels. Whether you have been doing social media management since the inception of social media or you’re just getting started, the following 5 social media management tips will help you ensure that you are on the path to success.

Effectively Use SEO in Marketing

Businessman and businesswoman sitting at table in front of laptop and working. Graphs,charts and diagrams on PC screen.

What is SEO? SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. When a company employs SEO (search engine optimization), they are optimizing their site on both the back end and the front end so that their site is served up by popular search engines as a top result to a query.

Top Takeaways from a Certified Storybrand Guide.

Two business women talking at a desk

From the smallest shop to the largest company, we all want our voice heard. Many businesses find that although they have really good written copy, it isn’t converting. Why is that? Why isn’t it enough to have well written verbal messaging?

What is StoryBranding & Why Do You Need it?

Typewriter with paper that has "Your Brand Story" typed on it.

Gone are the days of being the customer’s hero. They aren’t looking for a hero because they have already found one in themselves.

You may be thinking, how will they buy my product if they don’t see that I’m the hero that found them a solution to their problem? It’s simple – it’s not about you. It’s about them. They want to be the hero of their own story.

Very Peri in Marketing & Branding

Pantone color book spread open displaying a rainbow of colors.

Pantone’s 2022 Color of the Year is Very Peri – a bright and playful blue/purple hue. I honestly couldn’t be happier about this! Periwinkle is a color that is not over used in most things we see, including branding. Let’s look at what makes it such a great color in general and a good choice for branding.